Ba-Ron Community - The best Indonesian community

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

gy sBel ah mSa mw maen tp gaMex g mw kBuka c,,,,
and niE Lg niE mz mami g bLs2 lg....

i can't forget her,,,,,
evry tiMe i alwys remMbr aBout her,,,
b"cz nOw shE aLwys cOnnct wiTh me,,,
buT i don't kNow wHy i Like it,,,
maybe c's i Love her....

may aLlah giVe us tHe way to geT Life tOgetHr eVer moRe......
DucH sNngx nMa gw d paNggl,,,

ThROW THE RUbbISh TO ThE ItS plACe,,,,
jUSt ThE MOnGkEY bEiNG Let tO Throw ThE RUbBIsH IN aNOther PlAcE,,,,
TUcK sTIcK ON The waLL of intERneT....

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